<aside> 📜 Please kindly check my artwork below :) Let me know how you like it.


Data Visualization Workshop (2022)

I utilize Power BI, Tableau to create perfect data visualization. All of the links are soon posted here.


Fashion Retail Company (Power BI)

Australian Wine Company Analysis Dashboard (Tableau)

Seattle Collisions Dashboard (Tableau)

Strong Strikers under Age 22 (Tableau)

Medium Publication (2022)

First article got featured on Twitter @ DevRelAvocados

Hosting Online Tech Conference for the First Time in My Life

From Cooking 🍳 and Baking 🥐 , I Learned 📙...

Experiences of being a first gen-tech woman

Food Bloom SMS Feature (Serverless API - Aug 2021)

Github Repo

Blog. md

Get featured in BitProject


Get featured in Courier blog **↗ (9/30/2021)**

The Hype Around Serverless and Why Student Engineers Should Buy In | Courier